A Life in the Day
I started watching The Magicians before Season three came out on Netflix, and now that it’s here I have a LOT to say about it, specifically S3E5, “A Life in the Day.” (Spoilers lie ahead!)
In the episode, there’s a storyline where Quentin and Eliot travel to Fillory in the past and have to solve a mosaic to show “the beauty of all life.”
It takes far longer than they expect, and they live out an entire lifetime in Fillory working on the mosaic.
Hereby declaring @hale_appleman my favorite person to watch kiss people on the TV. The way he puts his hand on his kissing partner’s neck, his tiny smile as they close in on each other… I know he’s acting but he makes it look so special and important and I am just in awe.
— Meggan (@meggan) January 1, 2019
- Quentin and Eliot’s kiss!
- This tumblr post with nice kissy gifs of that scene
- The song that plays during the montage – Evolve by Phoria
- Eliot reclining and looking over his shoulder approvingly as Quentin and Arielle kiss
- Eliot playfully tossing Quentin and Arielle’s child in the air
- Eliot comforting a sobbing Quentin after Arielle dies, and gently placing a blanket over Quentin and his kid as they nap
- Quentin and Eliot standing together (with Eliot’s hand on Quentin’s shoulder!) as they send their grown son off into the world.
- How Quentin says “Eliot” once he notices Eliot’s not moving
- Quentin wrapping a quilt over Eliot’s body. The handmade, well-loved quality of the quilt just slayed me. Wrapping him in a family quilt to bury him is so tender and caring and they had a LIFE together and *cries forever*
This is such a good episode for other reasons too (Jane Chatwin’s convo with Margo, Prince Micah, all the outfits) but those few minutes where Eliot and Quentin have an entire life together? I’ve watched it several times and I tear up every single time.
Season four of The Magicians premieres later this month on SyFy and I need to decide if I can/should spend $30 to watch it on iTunes as it comes out or if I can wait a year(?) for it to come out on Netflix. I waited to see season three but now I don’t know if I have the willpower to wait for season four!
File Under: Media
I love that episode <3
A close second for me is the one from the POV of the deaf character (I only watched this half a year ago and already forgot her name, shame on me).
But since you're in the US, can't you just watch S4 on TV or via the SyFy website?!
Her name is Harriet! That was also an excellent episode!
Unfortunately, I don’t have cable so I can’t watch it directly on TV. When season 3 was airing I downloaded the SyFy app on my AppleTV to try to watch it then, but I needed a cable subscription to be able to log in.
I’ll see if I can figure something out via the SyFy website… May end up having to watch it on my tiny phone screen, haha.