Here’s to you, 2009
Since everyone else seems to be doing it, here are my resolutions for the upcoming year:
Entertain at home more often
I know you are supposed to quantify goals (“once a month,” “four times a year” etc.) but I’m not really interested in quantifying this particular goal, since anything I choose will be vastly higher than how often I entertained people last year. I really want to have a dinner party or a cocktail party or something early in 2009. Perhaps once our new couch gets delivered (January 10th!).
Wear skirts / dresses more often
I am pretty sure that most of my skirt + shirt outfits fit better on me and look nicer than most of my shirt + jeans outfits, and I would like to encourage myself to dress that way more often.
Use all 10 times on my snowboard pass
For “owning all my gear,” getting ready for snowboard season this year has been expensive. Okay, okay, I did choose the nicer snowpants, but I budget shopped on everything else (boots, bindings, and goggles). Still, I’d like to make the most of it by not wasting any days on my pass. This should be a pretty easy goal to hit since a lot of my co-workers are going boarding this year and I will be going with them, but I am writing it down so I can hold myself to it.
Sew a throw pillow cover
Also pretty simple. Now that we bought a new couch, I want to spruce it up with some festive throw pillows and it is much cheaper to sew your own than spend $30 per pillow in stores.
Post at least once per week
This posting schedule looks like it will be my comfort zone from here on out. For several years, I posted every single day (YEARS of NaBloPoMo!) and once I got a job, I just couldn’t keep it up and my post rate dropped dramatically. I have been better in the last month or two, but I’d like to commit to definitely posting once per week if not more.
2008 was an eventful year, mostly because of the wedding. WE GOT MARRIED WOOOO! Planning took up most of the beginning of the year, and then the actual wedding seems to have taken up the middle. Work stuff took over my autumn, and then here we are in winter!
Daniel and I are about to head out to dinner with some friends so I’m off, but I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and say thanks for all the support, comments, and well-wishes you’ve sent me over the past year. I appreciate it very, very much.
You could have a couch-welcoming party!
I didn’t know you got married this year! That’s so exciting

Happy new year, Meggan!
I think you can only go so far with your first goal. Can’t entertain if people won’t come. At least that’s my problem, anyway. I’m hoping I can entertain more once I move into my Nana’s house.
I like your second goal, mainly it’s something I’d like to do more but never really put on the priority list. At a lot of it has to do with feeling uncomfortable and my former boobs playing a huge (hah pun) role. Course, I can’t really make excuses now because look how cute Nicole (from Making it Lovely) looks in all her hip maternity attire!
I’m so stealing your wear skirts/dresses more one. That’s great. I hope you had a great new year!