Fat-Headed Birds: DONE!
Moby – “We Are All Made of Stars”
You have probably all seen this already because it has been on my Flickr account for days, but I finished my Fat-Headed Birds embroidery project!
I sat down one night and busted the entire thing out. It was part of a larger “clean the living room” project, and to clean properly, current projects need to be finished otherwise I can’t put them away. Strange, I know, but that’s how I work.
I’ve gotten quite a few compliments on it and I’m super happy with how it turned out. Since I figure I might be doing more projects in the future, I bought an embroidery floss holder and some more floss colors and I’m waiting for it to be delivered.
Not sure what I’m going to embroider next, but I bought some cute patterns called “Krazy Kitchens” from Sublime Stitching a while back and I’d like to do something neat with them. We’ll see. I’ll be sure to post progress on Flickr.
Latest project: Irish Hiking Scarf for Daniel. My goal is to have it done by Christmas.
Wow that pattern of that Irish Scarf looks damn complicated. But Christmas sounds like a reasonable deadline I don’t know anything about embroidering, but I actually knitted my own scarf last year. It’s boring though, with no pattern at all (just the regular left-right stuff)…
Haha but doesn’t buying the new patterns add something else to the living room? Or can you put them away because they are not started yet.
Thats how I work when I clean too. It’ll start with like… clean the room… and then end up with “reorganize the shelf of small porcelain duck statues”. Yay for off-track-ness. ANd then I end up quitting and not getting it clean. But I suppose if you were to finish cleaning the room that way it would be especially tidy. I have no patience.