I’ve Done Well!
Sonic Violence – “Malice”
I made a few changes to my bookstore design (minimal ones, but I moved things around a bit so I didn’t have to have the wiggly break-off line in there) and somebody said it was their favorite! Then when Chris (teacher) was coming around and doing our individual critiques, he said he really liked mine! You can see the original site if you want; Jeremy made fun of me for totally not challenging myself – with that site, there’s nowhere to go but up. :lookup: At any rate, Chris requested that I do the extra credit! This means that (if I choose to do so) I can up the resolution to printable quality, get the layout printed at Kinko’s, mount it on a presentation board, and then turn it in and he’ll see about hanging it on the wall in the school!
That’s kind of the cool thing about design classes is that you eventually might have something to hang on the walls. Also, in this class, Chris makes it so that you can’t just choose to do extra credit – he has to offer it to you first and then you can decide if you want to print it out or not. I think that’s kind of cool.
Right now, Daniel’s in the basement/kitchen making popovers for breakfast again. :yum: If you want the recipe, you can find it here. They’re very delicious. He also volunteered to make chicken for dinner tonight. In exchange, I said I’d do the dishes. Sadly, there are tons of them and they’re all weirdly shaped so they don’t stack well, and I hate that when I’m trying to do dishes. Oh well, I get good food in exchange.
Washing dishes, even awkwardly unstackable ones, is still a fair trade for somebody else to cook. At least, that’s how it goes down in my book.
So, the bookstore in this post is the original you guys had to go with, and the one in the previous post is your own design for it?
Yeah. We could either just make up a fictional store or do a re-design of an existing one. We got to pick. I chose a bookstore I used to go to all the time when I lived at home.
This week, we have to design a flower shop, without e-commerce stuff. So no shopping cart, no “buy this now” links or anything. I’ve got an idea for it but I haven’t started yet.
Your design for this looks great. Very clean but stylish, and ultra professional. I’m not a web designer, per se, but I work closely with our webmaster and see the designs through conception to usually painful birth. I think she would like this design too.
As always, you impress. Your stuff kick ass and you are very talented boob rocker.